Play by Play: Dismal Thinkings - Gone Away

Play by Play: Dismal Thinkings - Gone Away

While Seattle might be known for being wrapped in rain for most of the year, this three-piece is more ensconced in their own melancholy. A collaboration between guitarist and lyricist Isaac Evans, drummer Jacob Sloniker, and bassist Mylean Raeder, they go by a line from Shakespeare’s All Well that Ends Well, uttered by the King of France, “I am wrapp’d in dismal thinkings” which perfectly suits their gloomy lyricism about self-doubt and solitude. These self-reflective tunes are accompanied by dour alternative guitar chords, lo-fi basslines and a leisurely paced drum beat. It is not only the psychological interior that is explored, however, the interior of their own abode’s is reflected in the DIY production and lyricism, reflected in the title of their new record, Blanket Fort.

The first single coming from the Blanket Fort album is 'Gone Away' which continues Dismal Thinkings' progression as indie rockers from their debut EP, 'Foundations'. The opening seconds of 'Gone Away' vibrate with guitar strums and hi hat hits as the band introduces the audience into their garage rock arrangement. While the instrumentation appears cohesive at first, the lyrics "we were shapeless" indicate an ongoing disintegration. As the song progresses the delicate balance of singer, drummer, guitarist and bassist become blurred, reflected in the drone-like intonation of the lyrics. This is rectified as words, "I'm tired of waiting, tired of wasting time" are belted, nailing the song's message above all else. For brief moments there, they resemble bands like Blur and Weezer, who gained success from introspective rock. To their own credit, they venture down the path of musical individuality as they coast along the track's four-minute duration showing flashes of energy when needed. The more energetic, hard hitting drumsticks and purposeful, powerful picking underscore the potential of Dismal Thinkings.

Dismal Thinkings' 'Blanket Fort' comes out July 20, 2018 complete with nine unheard originals. Find it online at

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