Release of the Week: Solid Effort “Echo Chambers of the Inner West”
Photography by Jake Ollett
Sydney-based five-piece Solid Effort have released their second EP and, in doing so, have pushed ahead of current trends in Australian post-punk.
Classifying the music of Solid Effort is close to impossible but looking to the tags on the Bandcamp page of Echo Chambers of the Inner West provides some hints. Alongside the description of their sound as punk rock are the adjectives emotive and intelligent - words which, to our ears, perfectly sum up the EP. Although their music is rooted in punk and post-punk, the complex structures of the songs and intricate interplay of all instruments add a layer of complexity.
Solid Effort’s bio on Triple J Unearthed describes them as a cross between Minutemen and The Go-Betweens. Minutemen inspire the aforementioned complexity but The Go-Betweens reference hints at what makes this record truly unique – the combination of more experimental structures with melodic surf rock and touches of psychedelia. This distinctly Australian sound together with brash vocals and energetic musicianship place Solid Effort above the current wave of fuzzy, garage acts - they could be described as a thinking man’s Dune Rats or Skegss.
Echo Chambers of the Inner West sees Solid Effort display more ambitious song writing than on previous efforts. The fantastic musicianship is topped off with lyrics dripping with social critique and delivered with a powerful punch. Multiple listens are required to fully grasp the creativity on display and with each listen you discover more – simple background music this isn’t.
If there was any justice in the world this release should propel Solid Effort to stardom but it remains to be seen whether such an interesting act will ever have wider appeal. If audiences do decide to open their minds they will be richly rewarded by this record.