Gretta Ray @ Oxford Art Factory 23rd August

Gretta Ray @ Oxford Art Factory 23rd August

The Oxford Art factory is a one of a kind venue. Despite its small size and the unfortunate metal pillars that stand in your way - just like that one annoying, super tall guy that small people like me always seem to get stuck behind at concerts – the intimacy that the venue provides between the crowd and the artist on stage is unequalled.

This night in particular, the supporting acts Feelds and Connor Black-Harry set the tone of the evening, with their similar use of hearty acoustic guitar riffs and smooth vocals, both treated the audience to the perfect taste of what was to come. After each act told their stories through their song, it was time for Gretta to stand up and share hers. A brief interlude allowed everyone to refill their drinks and find a spot in the crowd (adequately sans pole) before the room went dark and the stage began to fill slowly with each of Gretta’s bandmates, which included Black-Harry. The upbeat intro to ‘When We’re In Fitzroy’ was the first song on Ray’s set list, and was a perfect start to the night. A classic Gretta Ray start to the set, ‘When We’re In Fitzroy’ really showed off her immense vocal talents as she glided through the song effortlessly, despite its fast tempo and complicated lyrics.

A humble artist, Gretta had the audience laughing and clapping and singing along with her, showing the poise and confidence of a much older, more established performer. At the tender age of 20, and after being flung into the spotlight after winning Triple J Unearthed at only 17, Gretta’s stage presence was modest yet striking; her voice projecting throughout the venue and resonating in every member of the audience while maintaining a bashful and light hearted attitude.

Sharing anecdotes and experiences on stage as she tuned her guitar or sat at her piano, effortlessly reminding the audience how multi-talented she is, Gretta’s honesty and down to earth personality shone as much as her music did. Retelling stories of her early Unearthed days when she was writing essays in the back of cabs on the way to recording studios, and her performances of unreleased demos recounting her recent trip to Europe, reminded the audience of Gretta’s status as not only one of Australia’s most impressive young songwriters but one of the most unpretentious, too.

The most memorable moments of the night were the performances of some of Gretta’s most well known and loved songs. ‘Radio Silence’, her latest single, was met with loud applause and vigorous dancing, as was ‘Towers’ and ‘Time’. But the highlight of the night, for both artist and crowd alike, had to be when the last song began. The audience lit up as much as Gretta’s face when the first few notes of her most popular song, ‘Drive’, started the grand finale. The crowd knew every word, and with a quick glimpse at the people around you, all that could be seen was an array of smiles, laughs and hugs being shared between the friends, lovers and strangers.

Gretta Ray’s stage presence and unique, powerful voice reveals an exciting future for the young performer. With such potential at such a young age, there is only good things to come from this Melbourne indie star.

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