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Kalita Wave
The jury is split on the case of Kalita Wave versus Hario V-60. Luckily, we’ve able to see both sides. Made by a family-owned Japanese company that has been making coffee equipment since the 1950’s, the Kalita method’s signature wave filter, three distributed extraction holes and the flat bottom of the brewer make for a smooth, clear cup.
What you need:
Kalita Wave 185
Kalita Wave 185 filters
Hand Grinder
17g Coffee
Filtered Water
Weigh 15-22g coffee and grind to a medium grind size. The coffee should be of a consistency courser than beach sand.
Place Kalita Wave filter in brewer.
Pour freshly heated water (88-95 degrees) through the filter to rinse it and pre-heat the brewer and mug/server. This not only rinses any residual flavours from the filter but brings your brewing gear up to temperature so that temperature is consistent across all parts of the process.
Discard the water from the server.
Place the Kalita Wave and server onto the scale.
Add ground coffee into the Kalita Wave and tare the scale. Level coffee bed distribution by gently shaking or tapping the brewer.
Start your timer.
Pour your water at a temperature of 88-95 degrees.
Initially 34 grams of water (double the weight of your ground coffee) for 7-10 seconds and allow to bloom for 30 seconds. Pour into the centre of the coffee bed in an expanding spiral, avoiding pouring down the side of the filter until the coffee bed is saturated.
Apply the remaining water in a spiral motion, moving outward from the centre. Pace the pouring to last between one and two-and-a-half minutes to target a total brewing time of 2-3:30 minutes.
Allow water to finish passing through the grounds until you’ve reached your target total brewing time and then remove the brewer from server and discard filter and grounds. Enjoy your beautiful, clean and flavourful coffee.