

The AeroPress, manufactured by the Aerobie Flying Ring company, is the most versatile brewing device on the market today. Depending on what type of filter disk is chosen it has the ability to produce anything clean and light filter coffee to punchy and rich espresso style shots.

What you need:

  • Aeropress Kit

  • Aeropress filter (paper, stainless mesh, or lasercut stainless)

  • Stirrer

  • 15g Coffee

  • Filtered Water

  • Scales

  • Kettle

  • Timer

Step 1

Place filter in screw cap, pour water through filter and capture in cup. Insert plunger into main body, invert and pour in water to preheat device.

Step 2

Grind coffee depending on filter choice, either medium to fine particle size with the consistency of sand for lighter filter coffee, or the consistency of table salt for espresso.

Discard water from mug/server.

Place AeroPress inverted on scale and add ground coffee. Tare scale.

Step 3

Start your timer.

Pour your water at a temperature of 80-94 degrees. Pour the full, desired amount of water, anywhere up to 225g of water. There is no need to have the coffee bloom with this method.

Using the stirrer make sure there are no dry pockets of coffee.

Let the coffee steep for 1:30 minutes.

Step 4

Lock filter in place with screw cap.

Just before extracting swirl unit to ensure all coffee grounds are suspended in slurry.

Place emptied mug/server upside down on Aeropress and carefully flip them both until upright.

Cautiously press the plunger downward in a straight vertical down motion trying to finish the plunge in 30 seconds. Stop pressing when the sound of air escaping through the grounds is detected.

Step 5

Enjoy your coffee.